Enforcer provides the following cateogries of Oasis functions accessible from ALFA. These functions can be used as part of an expression inside a policy.
To make use of these functions from inside an ALFA file, use the import statement:
import Oasis.Functions
import Enforcer.Functions
Attribute Bags
The following functions provide set functionality on attribute bags.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function Single = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-one-and-only"
: inputBag:bag[string] -> string
| inputBag:bag[integer] -> integer
| inputBag:bag[boolean]-> boolean
| inputBag:bag[double] -> double
| inputBag:bag[date] -> date
| inputBag:bag[dateTime] -> dateTime
| inputBag:bag[time] -> time
Returns the single value from a bag that only contains one value.
If the bag does not contain a single item then the function will fail resulting in the overall result of the expression being indeterminate.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function Size = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-bag-size"
: inputBag:bag[string] -> integer
| inputBag:bag[integer] -> integer
| inputBag:bag[boolean]-> integer
| inputBag:bag[double] -> integer
| inputBag:bag[date] -> integer
| inputBag:bag[dateTime] -> integer
| inputBag:bag[time] -> integer
Returns the number of items in the bag.
Will return the number of Roles associated with the user.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function IsIn = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-is-in"
: itemToCheck:string inputBag:bag[string] -> boolean
| itemToCheck:integer inputBag:bag[integer] -> boolean
| itemToCheck:boolean inputBag:bag[boolean]-> boolean
| itemToCheck:double inputBag:bag[double] -> boolean
| itemToCheck:date inputBag:bag[date] -> boolean
| itemToCheck:dateTime inputBag:bag[dateTime] -> boolean
| itemToCheck:time inputBag:bag[time] -> boolean
Takes a bag and a value, and returns true if the item is in the bag. The value needs to be the same type as items in the bag.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function ToBag = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-bag"
: items:string* -> bag[string]
| items:integer* -> bag[integer]
| items:boolean* -> bag[boolean]
| items:double* -> bag[double]
| items:date* -> bag[date]
| items:dateTime* -> bag[dateTime]
| items:time* -> bag[time]
Creates a bag from multiple single values.
ToBag("first", "second", "third")
Would produce a bag containing the three strings.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function Intersection = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-intersection"
: first:bag[string] second:bag[string] -> bag[string]
| first:bag[integer] second:bag[integer] -> bag[integer]
| first:bag[boolean] second:bag[boolean] -> bag[boolean]
| first:bag[double] second:bag[double] -> bag[double]
| first:bag[date] second:bag[date] -> bag[date]
| first:bag[dateTime] second:bag[dateTime] -> bag[dateTime]
| first:bag[time] second:bag[time] -> bag[time]
Creates a bag from the two input bags, which represents items that only appear in both bags.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function Union = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-union"
: first:bag[string] second:bag[string] -> bag[string]
| first:bag[integer] second:bag[integer] -> bag[integer]
| first:bag[boolean] second:bag[boolean] -> bag[boolean]
| first:bag[double] second:bag[double] -> bag[double]
| first:bag[date] second:bag[date] -> bag[date]
| first:bag[dateTime] second:bag[dateTime] -> bag[dateTime]
| first:bag[time] second:bag[time] -> bag[time]
Creates a bag from the two input bags, which represents all unique items that appear in both bags.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function IsSubSet = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-subset"
: potentialSubset:bag[string] superSet:bag[string] -> boolean
| potentialSubset:bag[integer] superSet:bag[integer] -> boolean
| potentialSubset:bag[boolean] superSet:bag[boolean] -> boolean
| potentialSubset:bag[double] superSet:bag[double] -> boolean
| potentialSubset:bag[date] superSet:bag[date] -> boolean
| potentialSubset:bag[dateTime] superSet:bag[dateTime] -> boolean
| potentialSubset:bag[time] superSet:bag[time] -> boolean
Returns true if all the items in the first parameter bag appear in the second parameter bag.
Namespace : Oasis.Functions
function IsEqual = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:x.x:function:type-set-equals"
: first:bag[string] second:bag[string] -> boolean
| first:bag[integer] second:bag[integer] -> boolean
| first:bag[boolean] second:bag[boolean] -> boolean
| first:bag[double] second:bag[double] -> boolean
| first:bag[date] second:bag[date] -> boolean
| first:bag[dateTime] second:bag[dateTime] -> boolean
| first:bag[time] second:bag[time] -> boolean
Returns true if both bags contain the same items, otherwise false.